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Dear Schools,

Few disturbing truths surveys are telling us:
School's Out

"By the age of seven, children are already facing limits on their future aspirations in work."
BBC OECD International


“Young people's career aspirations have remained largely frozen since 2000”!
PISA survey

Elementary School Student

Here's how we can make a difference:

Expose students to a multitude of careers from a very young age.

 "I want to be..." is subjective to the number of career choices a student is exposed to! The right career is something one can enjoy for a long-time.


Natural behavior plays a key role in choosing the right career along with strengths, weaknesses, aptitude and other factors.


The age between 8 to 18 years is where abilities, interests and personality of a child are established. So, we take into consideration the progression of these metrics over years to suggest career choices, rather than the outcome from a single test.

Students School Entrance

Future-Readiness Cell

WhatIsMyGoal exposes children to possible career options and matches them to potential choices. 

Formula E.JPG

Future Readiness Cell

  • Live in one career every month

  • Interaction with Career Professionals

  • Activities 

  • Virtual/Physical visits

  • Customized programs -  digital and Hybrid.

  • Ideal for 5,6,7 students as co-curricular edutainment.

  • 3 versions available.


Specific programs

  • Business Rockstar

  • Movie Moughal

  • Software Geek and other relevant programs for students interested to explore further into the career. 

  • Ideal for 8th and above classes.

  • 3 versions available.

How do we do it:


  • Sessions with goal achievers

  • Roleplay

  • Movies

  • WMG videos

  • WMG documents

  • Tasks


  • Dominant natural trait

  • Progression of aptitude

  • Progression of interests

  • Motivational factors

Our Goal Guidance Curriculum

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Each career choice is made clear to the student in 6 steps: Interactions with career professionals, role playing, movies, articles,

peer discussions and tasks

Round Maze_edited.png

Data Collection

Over 2 years, we track the strengths and interests of students through app touch-points, test scores, interactions with our counsellors, inputs from family members and friends.


Decision Tree

A career choice is a great one only if it is enjoyable in the long run. The decision tree gives a pool of career choices for students based on those that fit, those that suit, those that don't fit, and most importantly, those that are 'Njoyable!



Our counsellor elaborates on the decision tree results, suggests improvement areas and the road map for a few chosen careers.

Sample Goal-o-Meter Report


This is achieved through:

  • Proprietary psychometric test

  • Role play sessions

  • Parents' & peers' inputs, and so on.


I have learned a lot about myself and potential careers.

Ashmitha (7th grade)

I thought I already knew what I wanted to become, but this programme showed me I had options.

Santosh (10th grade)

I like how my kid role-plays each career, understands, analyse and rates his interest in it !

Swati (Parent of a 5th class student)



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