We enable you to:
Experience different careers.
Talk to professionals across industries.
Analyse your strengths, aptitudes, dominant natural traits.
And when you are ready, you can choose a career goal.
While in school, it's your time to have fun! So, why specialise?
You can be a doctor, an engineer, a coder, and the likes... you could be all of them!
Our Goal Guidance Curriculum
Each career choice is made clear to the student in 6 steps: Interactions with career professionals, role playing, movies, articles,
peer discussions and tasks.
Data Collection
Over 2 years, we track the strengths and interests of students through app touch-points, test scores, interactions with our counsellors, inputs from family members and friends.
Decision Tree
A career choice is a great one only if it is enjoyable in the long run. The decision tree gives a pool of career choices for students based on those that fit, those that suit, those that don't fit, and most importantly, those that are 'Njoyable!
Our counsellor elaborates on the decision tree results, suggests improvement areas and the road map for a few chosen careers.
When you want to decide your career goal, imagine yourself in your dream role, live in it, and understand whether it suits you.
Testimonials From Our Goal Champs
Thanglenlal (5th grade)
Kaur(9th grade)
I really liked the session as my child was really enjoying he really did this session with great enthusiasm and he really liked it and I will really like to thank the teachers of whatismygoal to guide the childrens and I really think that there should be more session like this one. Thank you.
Father of Tristuv(5th grade)
Our Sample Goal-o-Meter Report
Sneak Peak!
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